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Fi401k Solutions Overview

Fiduciary Insight recognizes that not every employer-plan sponsor wants/needs the same level of service for their company’s 401(k) plan.  So, the Fi401k suite of solutions is designed to meet your specialized needs: 

  • Investment Comparison & Optimization (IC&O) – This service is for plan fiduciaries who are looking to evaluate their plan’s current investment options, to determine if they might be able to derive better cost efficiencies and/or access better performing equivalent investment alternatives. Learn more
  • Investment Monitoring & Reporting (IM&R) – This service is for plan fiduciaries who are comfortable with their current retirement plan service provider, and merely wish to augment their plan with robust investment monitoring and reporting solutions.  Learn more
  • Investment Management & Oversight (IM&O) – This service is for plan fiduciaries who are desirous of transforming their current plan by adding fiduciary investment management and oversight solutions, which drive cost and performance optimization around their plan’s investment options. Learn more

Regardless of the Fi401k solution that may suit your specific needs, Fiduciary Insight is committed to assisting employers with establishing a prudent investment evaluation process – by providing every plan sponsor a customized Investment Policy Statement (IPS) and documented Investment Selection & Review Procedures (ISRP).

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